SMK Wira Informatika Global Galang Dana untuk Korban Tanah Longsor Cisolok – Musibah longsor menerjang sebuah kampung di Desa Sinaresmi, Kecamatan Cisolok, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Senin (31/12/2018).

Bencana longsor tersebut menyita perhatian banyak pihak. Tak terkecuali SMK Wira Informatika Global yang melakukan pengumpulan donasi untuk korban bencana tsunami Banten dan longsor Cisolok, sebagai bentuk duka cita dan rasa peduli kepada para korban.

Kamis (3/1/2018) SMK Wira Informatika Global telah mengumpulkan donasi berupa materi dan pakaian bekas layak pakai. Penyerahan donasi dari siswa SMK Wira Informatika Global melalui ketua OSIS diserahkan kepada kepala SMK Wira Informatika Global bapak Aan Syaripudin, S.Pd., M.Pd. yang selanjutnya akan diserahkan ke koordinator penampungan Donasi yg akan berangkat ke lokasi.

Penggalanagn donasi ini bertujuan untuk membina karakter kemanusiaan dan kepedulian siswa. Terima kasih kepada semua siswa-siswi. InsyaAlloh jadi catatan amal baik dan memupuk rasa empati dalam diri.

56 thoughts on “SMK Wira Informatika Global Galang Dana untuk Korban Tanah Longsor Cisolok”

  1. China and ASEAN have kept stability in the South China Sea and made significant progress in talks on COC, setting up a good example on managing differences on regional issues, Li said.

  2. Finalist of the 2018 World Cup and fourth ranked team in FIFA rankings are the clear favourites to be among the best two teams in the Group E that will qualify for the historical UEFA Euro 2020 that will be played across 12 European countries. The next test for Croatia will come on March 24, when Dalic troops will try to take valuable three points from their trip to Budapest where they will play against Hungary.

  3. ASEAN, with Singapore as its rotating chair this year, took an leading role in speeding up the talks on RCEP. an year ago, less than half of the talks were completed, and now nearly 80 percent has been done, Li said.

  4. SINGAPORE, Nov. 15 (mennhua) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday called for efforts to upgrade the strategic partnership between China as well as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as the two sides adopted a key document to chart the course for their ties till 2030.

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